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Bank Accounts

Property Division

Dividing Assets During Divorce

For many couples considering a divorce, their overarching concern is to safeguard their financial security. Part of this process involves dividing up assets and…

Property Division

Separate & Premarital Property

During a divorce, one of the issues that come up is the division of assets and debts. This blog discusses the topic of premarital…

Property Division

Splitting Personal Property in Divorce

One of the most common questions that run through someone’s mind when thinking about divorce and splitting personal property, “What’s going to happen with…

Property Division

Dividing Assets in Divorce

Of the many issues that occur in a divorce, there is one issue that is largely universal: division of personal property, dividing assets. Divorce…

Property Division

How To Safeguard Your Business In A…

With all of the time, energy and resources you have put into it, your business is probably the most valuable asset you own. What…

Grandparents Rights

Do Grandparents Have Custody Rights According to…

Whether a child is a baby, or just about to turn a teenager, he or she is caught between a stressful and confusing situation…

Prenuptial Agreements

The Utility of A Prenuptial Agreement

After several years of experience with divorces, and talking with so many people who have gone through the divorce process, I have seen the…

Property Division

Bankruptcy and Divorce: A True Fresh Start

We’ve all heard the phrase “drowning in debt.” We’ve also heard the phrase “treading water.” If, when it comes to your debt, you are…

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