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Enforcing Child Custody & Visitation Orders In… Establishing clear lines of communication, whether through email, text, or a co-parenting communication platform, allows for efficient coordination and reduces misunderstandings. Keeping conversations…


How Courts Determine Custody in Denver

...parenting time; (II) The wishes of the child if he or she is sufficiently mature to express reasoned and independent preferences as to the…


March Madness: Custody Battles - Meet the…

...understanding, and reaching agreements to parenting plans, compliance with court orders concerning parenting, implementing parenting plans, obtaining training regarding conflict management and parenting skills,…


Third Party: Post-Decree Coordinators

...adequately. In this instance, a parenting coordinator may be called upon to assist the parties in effectively implementing the parenting plan. “Effectively implementing the…

Early Assessment

Opinion: A New Senate Bill Would Harm…

...judges to impose a 50/50 parenting plan on all families, regardless of the circumstances, unless doing so would “endanger” children. On its face, this…

Father’s Rights

What Does Parental Alienation Look Like?

...a full degree of the seriousness of parental alienation. It can range from off-the-cuff, emotional one-time outbursts, to a persistent strategy of filling the…

Early Assessment

Parental Responsibilities: Restrictions

...complete a parenting class. These parenting classes help teach parents the skills to act appropriately when it comes to issues involving their kids and…


Third Parties: Getting A Helping Hand

...of a parenting plan effectively. A parenting coordinator can help struggling parties to get things on track and make the parenting plan work effectively.…


Smooth Transitions: Navigating Custody Exchanges relationships, and prioritizing the children’s emotional health. Introduction To Custody Exchanges Custody exchanges refer to the moments when children move from one parent’s…


Understanding Parental Duties: Legal vs. Physical Custody

...the multifaceted world of child custody. Understanding Legal Custody Legal custody is a critical component of parenting after separation or divorce, granting a parent…

Family Law

Motions to Enforce in Colorado

...pertain to parenting time or schedules such as: failing to timely cease parenting time; keeping the children overnight during the other parent’s parenting time;…

Early Assessment

Child Custody: A Dying Phrase in Colorado

...(or “APR” for short) is an umbrella term for three key areas of domestic relations cases involving children: parenting time, decision-making, and child support.…

Military Divorce

Everything to Know About Military Divorce in…

Divorce is a complicated process from dividing assets and agreeing on parenting time, to spousal maintenance and contested separations. Many factors make divorce cumbersome…

Early Assessment

Fathers Have Rights, Too Therefore, courts view parenting time as a responsibility, too. Parenting time is set for the non-custodial parent to become fully involved in a…

Family Law

Family Stresses from Coronavirus

...familiar with the anxiety and stress surrounding exchanges and parenting time. Shelter in Place orders has only increased the stress and anxiety of these…

Family Law

Substance Abuse in Family Law about allocations of parental responsibilities. For parenting time, a person grappling with substance abuse issues will often have their parenting restricted in some…

Non-Traditional Family Law

Moving Past the "Tender Years" Doctrine

...into the law regarding gender roles and parenting of young children. Towards the end of the 20th century, the presumption fell out of favor…


How To Deal With COVID, Custody, And…

...for a less conflict-filled holiday while co-parenting during this crisis. Remember, Children Are Sensitive If you find yourself sharing parenting time during the pandemic,…

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