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The Power of Art and Reading in…

...way. If you’re unsure about how to reach out to your child during a divorce or child custody battle, consider drawing or painting with…

Early Assessment

Marijuana Use in Custody Battles

...recreational use of legal marijuana complicates parenting time disputes – much the same as the use of alcohol can – but because a judge…

Early Assessment

Should You Move Out After Separating From…

...Judge to order any sort of parenting time, without agreement of the other parent, and by that point you may have gone all of…

Early Assessment

CFI vs PRE: Which Child Custody Expert… appointed to investigate and make recommendations as to the children’s best interests. A CFI will make recommendations for both parenting time and decision-making.…


Divorce and Its Impact on Children

...Parents routinely come with questions about maintenance, child support, parenting time, or how to maintain financial instability; however, the main focus of clients is…

Military Divorce

Pre-Divorce Planning

...the breadwinner and one parent does most of the parenting. If this is the case, it may be difficult to make a reasonable argument…


Alcohol or Drugs and Time with Your…

...they’ll be on track to restoring full parenting rights. A court will want confirmation of sobriety, but parenting time and custody restrictions are generally…

Father’s Rights

My Ex Is Taking The Kids Out… possible outcome. Modification of Parenting Time Rights The legal standard for a modification of parenting time rights is set forth in Section 14-10-129(1)(a)(I)…


3 Tips to Living Together During a…

...during this time. Establishing a Parenting Schedule Living under the same roof can be beneficial for those spouses who share children together. However, it…


Reasons To Request a Child Custody Modification

Remarkably, you’ve gone through the heartache of a divorce and managed to come up with a parenting plan that you and the other parent…


Want Full Custody of Your Children? Think…

...very rare, even in extreme cases. An experienced attorney will figure out what a judge is likely to order and what is in the…

Father’s Rights

Father's Rights

...Parental Responsibilities Parental Responsibilities, in most states, is broken up into two separate components: parenting time and decision-making. Parenting time is just how it…

Military Divorce

Military Divorce Boot Camp

...similar pattern to civilian divorces. The parties will have to file sworn financial statements, complete parenting classes, attempt to settle at mediation, and potentially…

No-Fault Divorce

Overview: The Decision to File in Colorado

...there’s no standard answer for the rights a party will have. Most concerns involve specific property, parenting time, or decision-making. An accurate answer to…


I Am Getting Divorced in Denver, CO.…

...there is major contention between the two parties, you cannot agree regarding significant issues such as parenting time, or there are complicating factors such…

Family Law

What Are Examples Of Texas Family Law…

...require dissolution of marriage whether it was intended or not intended and require an annulment. A dissolution of marriage may require property division and…


5 Reasons To Wait Before You Date…

...trial. 4. It Can Jeopardize Parenting Time When a spouse becomes angry that their ex is dating during divorce proceedings oftentimes they are not…


Is Colorado a 50/50 Child Custody State?

In Colorado, family courts are not bound by a requirement for equal parenting time. Instead, the law prioritizes continuing and frequent contact between children…

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