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Family Law


When Is Divorce Mediation Not Recommended?

Divorce is a complex and emotional journey that many couples face. One of the methods couples can choose to facilitate their divorce process is…


What To Expect When Filing A Motion…

In Colorado, a motion to enforce is a legal tool that can be used to ensure that an existing court order or agreement is…


Enforcing Child Custody & Visitation Orders In…

Enforcing custody orders is a critical aspect of family law, particularly when it comes to the well-being and stability of children. In California, ensuring…

Prenuptial Agreements

Do I Need To Hire A Lawyer…

Marriage is not just a romantic commitment but also a financial partnership. Understanding the role of prenuptial agreements is crucial, as they outline the…

Prenuptial Agreements

Understanding Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements, once seen as a sign of mistrust, are now increasingly recognized as a pragmatic tool for financial planning and asset protection in…


From Grandparent To Guardian: A Deep Dive…

Grandparents have always been the bedrock of many families, embodying wisdom, traditions, and unwavering love. Their role often transcends the simple joys of spoiling…


LGBTQ Adoption: Building Families Beyond Boundaries

In today’s evolving society, the age-old definition of family is expanding with warmth and acceptance. The rise of LGBTQ adoption stands as a poignant…

Common Law

Divorce Procedures In Common Law Marriages

A prevalent misconception exists that merely cohabiting for a long duration automatically results in a common-law marriage. However, the truth is far from this…

Common Law

Understanding Common Law Marriage: States, Rights &…

Common law marriage stands as a testament to the evolving nature of relationships in the modern era. Essentially, it refers to a legal framework…

Family Law

Prepare for Success: The Family Lawyer Consultation…

Choosing a family lawyer is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your life and the lives of your loved ones. Having someone who…

Family Law

Making Sense Of Legal Costs: A Guide…

Navigating the intricacies of legal fees can be a perplexing journey for prospective clients seeking legal representation. Understanding the diverse fee structures and their…

Family Law

The Impact of Language Barriers on Family…

While many take access to justice for granted, there are often significant barriers to that access for people with limited English ability. In particular,…

Domestic Violence

How Does Domestic Violence Impact A Colorado…

Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have a significant impact on divorce proceedings in Colorado. When one spouse has been a victim…


Understanding Family Court Appeals In Colorado

Family court decisions can have a significant impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones. Whether it’s a divorce, custody arrangement,…


Binding vs Non-Binding Arbitration in Colorado

Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution process that offers parties an opportunity to settle their disputes outside the courtroom. In Colorado, arbitration is widely…

Civil Unions

Are Colorado Civil Unions Recognized Federally?

Civil unions in Colorado are a legally recognized way for couples to form a committed relationship, but they do not receive the same federal…


Can A Colorado Adoption Be Revoked?

Adoption is a life-changing decision that impacts all parties involved, including biological parents, adoptive parents, and the child. However, despite the careful consideration and…

Family Law

4 Tax Credits You May Be Eligible…

As tax season approaches, it’s important to know the tax credits you may be eligible for in 2023. Tax credits are a way to…

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