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What To Expect When Filing A Motion To Enforce In Colorado

In Colorado, a motion to enforce is a legal tool that can be used to ensure that an existing court order or agreement is followed. When one party fails to comply with the terms of a court order or agreement, the other party may file a motion to enforce to seek enforcement of the terms. This can be necessary in situations where one party is not fulfilling their obligations under the order or agreement, which can cause frustration and even harm to the other party. Filing a motion to enforce can help ensure that the original order or agreement is respected and followed as intended.

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Grounds For Filing A Motion To Enforce In Colorado 

There are various situations in which someone might need to file a motion to enforce in Colorado. Some common examples include:

Child Support – If one parent fails to make child support payments as required by a court order or agreement, the other parent can file a motion to enforce to seek payment of the arrears or to request that the court take action to ensure ongoing payments are made.

Parenting Time/Visitation – If one parent is preventing the other parent from spending court-ordered parenting time with their child, the other parent can file a motion to enforce to seek enforcement of the parenting time order.

Property Division – If one party fails to comply with a court order or agreement related to property division in a divorce case, the other party can file a motion to enforce to seek enforcement of the property division order.

Spousal Support – If one party fails to comply with a court order or agreement related to property division in a divorce case, the other party can file a motion to enforce to seek enforcement of the property division order.

When filing a motion to enforce, it is important to have legal grounds to support the motion. The specific legal grounds will depend on the circumstances of the case. For example, if one party is not complying with a court order, the grounds for the motion will likely be based on the court’s inherent authority to enforce its own orders. Other possible legal grounds include breach of contract or contempt of court. An experienced Colorado enforcement attorney can help identify the appropriate legal grounds to support a motion to enforce in a given case.

Steps For Filing A Motion To Enforce In Colorado 

If you need to file a motion to enforce in Colorado, you must follow certain steps to ensure that the motion is properly filed and served. Here are the steps that must be followed:

1. Draft The Motion- The first step is to draft the motion to enforce. The motion should clearly state the relief sought and the specific grounds for the motion. It should also include a copy of the original court order or agreement, and any other relevant documentation.

2. Filing The Motion – Once the motion has been drafted, it must be filed with the appropriate court. The court that has jurisdiction over the case is the one where the original order or agreement was entered. The motion should be filed with the court clerk and a filing fee may be required.

3. Serving The Motion – After the motion has been filed, it must be served on the other party. This means that a copy of the motion must be delivered to the other party in accordance with Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure.

4. Ensure Proper Format & Information – To ensure that the motion is properly filed and considered by the court, it is important to follow the formatting requirements set forth by the court rules. This may include specific font sizes, margins, and line spacing. Additionally, make sure that the motion includes all necessary information and documentation to support the motion.

To help ensure that the motion is properly formatted and includes all necessary information, it is often helpful to seek the guidance of an experienced family law attorney. An attorney can help ensure that the motion is properly drafted, filed, and served, and can provide representation at any hearings or proceedings that may be scheduled in connection with the motion.

Responding To A Motion To Enforce In Colorado 

If you are served with a motion to enforce in Colorado, it is important to take prompt action to respond to the motion. Here are the steps that you should take:

1. Review The Motion – The first step is to carefully review the motion to understand the relief sought and the specific grounds for the motion. Take note of any deadlines for responding to the motion.

2. Consider Your Options – After reviewing the motion, you should consider your options for responding. You may choose to:

♦ Comply With The Original Order: If you are able to comply with the original order or agreement, it may be best to do so and avoid further legal action.

♦ Negotiate A Resolution: You may also choose to negotiate a resolution with the other party to resolve any disputes related to the original order or agreement.

♦ File A Response: If you disagree with the motion or believe that it is not legally supported, you may file a response with the court. A response should include any legal grounds or evidence that supports your position.

3. File A Response – If you choose to file a response, you should do so within the time period required by the court rules. Your response should include any legal grounds or evidence that support your position.

4. Attend The Hearing – If a hearing is scheduled, it is important to attend and be prepared to present your case. You may want to consider seeking the guidance of an experienced family law attorney to represent you at the hearing.

If you are served with a motion to enforce in Colorado, take prompt action to review the motion and consider your options for responding. Seeking the guidance of an experienced family law attorney can help ensure that you are properly represented and that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Attending A Hearing

If a hearing is scheduled on a motion to enforce in Colorado, it is important to be prepared and understand what to expect. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Preparing For The Hearing – To prepare for the hearing, you should review the motion and any responses that have been filed. You should also prepare any evidence or legal arguments that support your position. It is important to be organized and prepared to present your case to the court.

2. Dress Appropriately – It is important to dress appropriately for the hearing. Business attire is typically appropriate.

3. Arrive Early – You should arrive early to the hearing to allow time to find parking and locate the courtroom. You may also want to use this time to review your notes and evidence.

4. Check-In With The Court – When you arrive at the courthouse, you should check in with the court clerk to confirm the location and time of the hearing.

5. Present Your Case – During the hearing, the judge will listen to both parties and any evidence or arguments that are presented. It is important to be respectful and professional when addressing the court. You should present your case clearly and concisely, and be prepared to answer any questions the judge may have.

6. Wait For The Court’s Decision – After the hearing, the court will make a decision on the motion. The court may issue an order requiring one or both parties to take specific actions or comply with the original court order or agreement.

If you are attending a hearing on a motion to enforce in Colorado, be prepared, dress appropriately, and arrive early. Present your case clearly and concisely, and be respectful when addressing the court. Seeking the guidance of an experienced family law attorney can help ensure that you are properly prepared and represented at the hearing.


Filing a motion to enforce in Colorado may be necessary when a party fails to comply with a court order or agreement. To file a motion to enforce, you must identify the specific legal grounds that support your request and follow the required steps for filing and serving the motion.

If you are served with a motion to enforce, you should carefully review the motion and consider your options for responding. You may choose to comply with the original court order or agreement, negotiate a resolution, or file a response with the court.

If a hearing is scheduled on the motion, it is important to be prepared and present your case clearly and professionally. Seeking the guidance of an experienced family law attorney can help ensure that you are properly represented and that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.

In conclusion, filing a motion to enforce in Colorado can be a complex and challenging process, but it is important to take prompt action to protect your rights and ensure compliance with court orders and agreements. By following the steps outlined in this article and seeking the guidance of an experienced family law attorney, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Modern Family Law

Modern Family Law’s team of experienced divorce lawyers takes a compassionate approach to the practice of family law. Using innovative technology to create an effective and efficient process for our clientele, our attorneys approach each case as a collective effort to find the best long-term solutions for each family. We understand the financial burden a divorce can have on an individual. As such we have created our industry-first SimpleStart™ program, providing people a chance to reduce the amount of money needed upfront to start their case. For more information please give us a call or fill out a short form online to sign up for a free consultation today! Let us make a positive difference in your life. Learn more about collaborative divorce in Colorado.

By: MFL Team

Posted April 09, 2024

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