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Is Legal Separation Right for You?

Legal separation represents a pivotal moment in one's life, marking a path distinct from divorce while maintaining legal marital status. It's a choice that couples may consider for a variety of reasons, including financial considerations, religious beliefs, or as a step towards reconciliation. This guide aims to unfold the layers of legal separation, presenting a … Continued

Divorce vs. Annulment vs. Legal Separation

In the intricate web of personal relationships, the paths that lead couples to untangle their lives are as unique as the bonds that once brought them together. Whether navigating the emotional turmoil of a breakup or seeking a fresh start, understanding the legal nuances of ending a marriage is crucial. In this article we aim … Continued

Declaring Your Own Independence – When Is It Time For A Divorce?

Deciding to get a divorce is a scary and difficult proposition for many individuals to come to terms with. Even couples that have faced years of constant fighting, stress, and general unhappiness struggle to let go of their marriage. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, ending your marriage will ultimately be better … Continued

Tips For Celebrating Fathers Day After Divorce

After going through a divorce or separation everyone involved experiences change in what was once their normal routine. Everything from living arrangements, to daily schedules, and the people you surround yourself with are different. One of the areas where recently divorced individuals feel these lifestyle differences most is during family-centered holidays. There are lots of … Continued

JDF 1102 – Completing The Summons For Dissolution Of Marriage or Legal Separation

During the Colorado divorce process, the JDF 1102 - Summons For Dissolution of Marriage or Legal Separation is one of the first forms to be completed. In Colorado, those seeking a divorce or legal separation that are not filing jointly with their spouse must complete the JDF 1102 summons for divorce or legal separation. This … Continued

JDF 1000 – Completing The Case Information Sheet

The JDF 1000 - Case Information Sheet is one of the first forms to be completed during the Colorado divorce process. All individuals filing for divorce, legal separation, or marriage nullification in Colorado must complete the JDF 1000 case information sheet. This article contains valuable information about completing this form as well as a link … Continued

Formulating an Exit Strategy during a Pandemic

Emotions involved during a divorce can be compared to those of a person experiencing death, and for some, the emotions can be very intense. It’s even more difficult now that we are all basically quarantined in our own homes due to the Coronavirus. Deciding to divorce and getting a hold of your own emotions about … Continued

When to Move Out

Once a spouse has decided a divorce is going to happen, continuing to live together under the same roof can be a really bad idea. Many times though, alternatives to this bad situation aren’t so clear.  Money is scarce. Options seem limited. It’s hard to see how life is going to move forward. What’s a couple supposed … Continued

Reducing Conflict in Separation

Divorce can be an unpleasant topic. When a couple decides to get married, the topic of separation is typically not at the top of their list to discuss. However, many of the contentious issues that arise can be minimized by taking the time to discuss the tough questions with your spouse prior to marriage. Similar … Continued

5 Things NOT to Post During a Divorce

Divorce is easy - said no one, ever. Going through a divorce is one of life's most stressful experiences both emotionally and financially. In today's world, we often turn to social media as an outlet to voice our opinions, seek solace with friends, or simply to keep up with the Kardashians... I mean news. As … Continued

What Does “No Fault” Mean for Divorcees?

Most litigants are seeking compensation for injury; to right a wrong; and/or to expose the truth. Parties to a divorce with this mindset are quickly disappointed. Colorado is a “no-fault” divorce state, meaning a divorce proceeding will not vindicate, declare punishment or condemn a spouse for martial wrongdoing. If a spouse’s behavior poses a danger … Continued

Automatic Temporary Injunction: Prohibitions

When parties begin a divorce or legal separation, lots of things can change. The automatic temporary injunction can be a burdensome circumstance imposed on the parties involved in a divorce or legal separation proceedings. Because compliance with the automatic temporary injunction is crucial, we’ve taken the time in this article to highlight some of the … Continued

Automatic Temporary Injunctions

Any time a divorce or legal separation case is started, there are significant changes that can occur. For some, it’s a step towards relief. For others, it can cause a great deal of turmoil. However, for everyone, it means having to comply with new and substantial burdens involved in the judicial process. One of the … Continued

When To File For Divorce

A question that constantly seems to come up with potential clients is, “What's the best time to file a divorce?” Unfortunately for this question, the answer largely depends on the person’s circumstances or the nature of the relief requested. Because there is no single answer that will describe the “best” time to file, this article … Continued

Dividing Assets During Divorce

For many couples considering a divorce, their overarching concern is to safeguard their financial security. Part of this process involves dividing up assets and property accumulated during the marriage. But how do you go about this? Does the court take the lead on determining who gets the televisions, cars, and chinaware? You’ll be surprised to…

The Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce in Colorado

Many people confuse legal separation and divorce.  But there’s a considerable difference between these two legal terms. Both options serve to separate couples in a marriage, and both options are enforceable by the courts, but only one choice permanently ends a marriage. Simply put, legal separation physically divides the marital estate without ending the marriage. … Continued

6 Questions to Ask Before You Get Divorced

According to statistics, roughly half of marriages end in divorce. If you’re married, this statistic has probably crossed your mind. If you’re considering a divorce, take a step back and think about the following factors before finalizing your decision. Like marriage, divorce will change every facet of your life – for better or for worse…

Thinking About Divorce?

According to an analysis of over 10,000 Facebook status updates, a peak break-up time each year is the two weeks leading up to Christmas. If you find yourself contemplating divorce, you are probably engaged in a complicated emotional process. Even if you’re not sure you’re ready for a divorce, it might be helpful to speak…