33 results
Can My Spouse Prevent Divorce by Ignoring…Divorce is an emotionally challenging process that can become even more complex when one spouse wishes to end the marriage while the other is…
Estate Planning
3 Divorce Considerations During COVID-19There has been a lot of information that has been circulating relating to the impact of Coronavirus on child and spousal support and child…
Father’s Rights
What Does Parental Alienation Look Like?Parental alienation occurs when a parent poisons the relationship between the other parent and his or her children. Its effects are highly destructive on…
5 Things NOT to Post During a…Divorce is easy – said no one, ever. Going through a divorce is one of life’s most stressful experiences both emotionally and financially. In…
Property Division
Goodbye Dependency ExemptionsDependency Exemptions are continually in flux, make sure you are up to date with the most recent changes. CALL NOW: (866) 695-0314 Changes Some…
Military Divorce
Everything to Know About Military Divorce in…Divorce is a complicated process from dividing assets and agreeing on parenting time, to spousal maintenance and contested separations. Many factors make divorce cumbersome…
No-Fault Divorce
Colorado Support Groups to Help You Through…Divorce is a challenging time in a person’s life. Anyone who has been through a divorce can offer many reasons as to why divorce…
Protection Order TerminologyFamily law, like many areas of law, can be confusing and intimidating. Unless you’ve had training in legal concepts, some of the terminologies that…
Protection Orders
Protection Orders: Temporary vs. PermanentFamily law cases can occasionally involve some rather unfortunate subject matter. Some people’s relationships may involve various forms of abuse or domestic violence. In…
Supervised Parenting TimeFamily law cases are trying on everyone involved and they can certainly bring out some of the worst in people. In those cases where…
Family Law Blunders: Impacts of Social MediaIn this day and age, technology is everywhere. Our appliances are being tied in with the internet, our jobs increasingly use technology, our phones…
Parental Alienation
Parenting Schedules: 101When couples break up, their relationship ends and they tend to go their separate ways. However, if a couple has kids together, the intimacy…
Family Law
Religion and Family Law: Thou Shalt Not…Religion is important to an extremely large number of people — it shapes their belief systems, provides a framework for how they interact with…
Family Law
Automatic Temporary Injunction: ViolationsIn any divorce or legal separation case, the court will issue an automatic temporary injunction. The automatic temporary injunction requires the parties to continue…
Domestic Violence in Family LawAnyone who’s ever been in a relationship has probably experienced a bad relationship. While bad relationships are common, there are certain types of “bad…
The Nuances Of Child SupportCases involving children almost always include child support. Child support is one of those aspects of family law that everyone seems to “know about”.…
Property Division
How Marital Debts are Distributed During DivorceJoint debts can be a tough issue in a divorce. These debts may have terms longer than the duration of the marriage. These debts…
Decision Making & DivorceDivorce cases are multifaceted, and they may become even more complex if the divorcing couple has children. Decision-making responsibility has to be divided up…