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The Nuances Of Child Support

...changed circumstances (e.g. changes in income, changes in child-related expenses, changes in parenting time, etc.) are both substantial and continuing. To meet this burden,…


Completing an Uncontested Divorce in California

An uncontested divorce is a lawsuit. And this lawsuit must be filed, even if the divorcing couple is not in conflict regarding parenting plans,…

Early Assessment

Divorce Mediation or Bust

...or enforceable agreements. For example, unmarried parents draft a parenting plan with a mediator, but later have disagreements with each other. There’s nothing binding…

Property Division

Who Gets The House In A Divorce?

...where your minor children live, without an agreed-upon parenting schedule in place, maybe looked at by a court in considering where the primary residence…


Useful “Stay at home” Resources for Children

...working from home which is to set ground rules for the working parenting. In our home, I announce to the family that I’m “going…


10 Steps to Easing the Divorce Process

...time for different reasons. Communication with the other parent/spouse – Communication with the other parent is essential for co-parenting. However, it is not always…


How Does the Court Determine Child Support…

...continuing change in circumstances. For example, a child becomes emancipated and is no longer living with a custodial parent; your income, or the other…

Family Law

Transgender Parents Adopting In California

...children. It has become clear that the difference in parenting rates between LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ individuals will become much smaller in the future. As…


Don't Be an April Fool: The Impact…

...are ordering therapy, and professionals are ordering medications at increasingly earlier ages. Having said that, I have yet to see a parenting plan that…


What To Expect From Your Initial Consultation…

...during your initial consultation include the dividing of assets and liabilities, child custody and parenting plans, child support, and spousal support. This is also…

Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation Syndrome: What It Is, Why…

...should speak with a family lawyer to discuss petitioning the court to modify the child’s parenting time to limit the alienating parent’s time with…


7 Tips For Surviving Back to School… your new parenting plan. When your child starts school and they have a new schedule it is important for both parents to understand…


5 Things To Know About Paternity In…

...parenting time, or child support. 4. How To File An Acknowledgment Of Paternity (AOP) Parents who aren’t married can establish legal paternity in Texas…


New Year, New Beginnings: Tips For Starting…

...after a difficult chapter. 5. Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships: For those with children, divorce can lead to more mindful parenting. Approximately 70% of divorced parents…


Do I Need a Child Custody Lawyer…

...few things to consider when making this decision: CALL NOW: (866) 695-0314 1. Complexity of the Case If your custody case involves complex legal…


Understanding Family Court Appeals In Colorado written order must be issued. What Types Of Family Law Cases Can You Appeal? Typically, family court decisions that can be appealed include…


Top Reasons Why Child Custody Agreements Are…

Child custody agreements are legal arrangements that dictate how parents will share parenting responsibilities after a divorce or separation. These agreements are meant to…


Is California A 50/50 Child Custody State?

...or shared custody, involves both parents sharing equal parenting time and responsibility for the child. While California does not have a specific law stating…

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