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property division

No-Fault Divorce

Automatic Temporary Injunction: Prohibitions

...once the automatic temporary injunction is in place. CALL NOW: (866) 695-0314 Property Related Prohibitions Put simply, the parties are prohibited from disposing of…

Property Division

Dividing Assets During Divorce

...don’t prefer to get involved in dividing up personal property. Personal property is any property not permanently affixed to the ground. This can include…

Common Law

Understanding Common Law Marriage: States, Rights &… benefits, hospital visitation rights, the right to make emergency medical decisions, access to personal records, rights in property division upon separation, child custody…


Can I Get an Annulment in Colorado? Colorado, this waiting period does not apply). While most states assume that invalid marriages cannot technically have marital estates, Colorado provides that the…


Divorce vs. Annulment vs. Legal Separation

...Through legal separation, a couple can obtain a court-ordered judgment for child custody, property division, child support, and more without actually terminating the marriage.…


JDF 1101 - Completing The Petition For…

...acting on emotions alone. Furthermore, seasoned attorneys often have experience negotiating and can assist in achieving favorable settlements, whether it’s related to property division,…

No-Fault Divorce

The Legal Landscape: Grounds for Divorce in… division, spousal support, and child custody, with the aim of ensuring fairness and minimizing conflict. While fault-based divorce may have provided a sense…


How Long Does A Divorce Take?

...predetermined but varies widely based on a multitude of factors. From the complexities of asset division and child custody disputes to the specific legal…


What To Expect When You're Expecting... A…

...court will likely enter the decree of dissolution that same day and will further provide orders as to the division of all marital property,…

Military Divorce

Everything to Know About Military Divorce in…

...divorce. However, their retirement may still be considered marital property, and some Federal Statutes and guidelines govern what, if any portion, can be considered…


Online Divorces

...may be instances where one spouse had a property that wouldn’t be included as marital property, given proper counsel. This property could potentially be…


What Happens If I Do Not Sign…

...process started. Ultimately, these titles do not impact the Court and its decisions on the division of property or the allocation of parental responsibilities.…

Property Division

How Marital Debts are Distributed During Divorce

...distributing marital debts and how this get’s done in a divorce. Debts Incurred Through Property Colorado is an equitable distribution state, not a community…


7 Things Not to Do During a… either separate or community property. If an item is the other spouse’s separate property (acquired before marriage) you have no rights to it.…


How To Know When You Need To…

...of divorce are numerous and often involve multiple parties such as children from the marriage or third parties who may be invested in property…


Grounds For Requesting An Annulment In Colorado

...Courts Handle During Invalidity Cases In a Colorado declaration of invalidity case, the court will apply the same laws that apply to divorce cases,…

Prenuptial Agreements

Understanding Prenuptial Agreements

...legally binding document that outlines how a couple’s assets and debts will be managed in the event of divorce or death. While 97% of…


Why is January Known as Divorce Month?

...a family law attorney. We are available to assist with all elements of divorce and family law, including separation agreements, child custody and support,…

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