235 results
5 Common Mistakes Made at the Beginning…The following are some of the most serious mistakes couples make before pursuing a divorce, but by no means does this article cover all…
5 Ways to Save Money in a…Divorce can be expensive, but the following are a few simple tips that will help you to minimize your legal fees. For most people,…
Default Judgment Divorce OptionWhen a spouse is uncooperative and refuses to participate in the divorce process, a legal tool called a default judgment divorce may help end…
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt DivorceThe divorce between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt symbolizes the struggles many Americans experience during divorce. Money and fame aside, both parties are experiencing…
The Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce…Many people confuse legal separation and divorce. But there’s a considerable difference between these two legal terms. Both options serve to separate couples in…
Property Division
How To Safeguard Your Business In A…With all of the time, energy and resources you have put into it, your business is probably the most valuable asset you own. What…
Is DIY Divorce A Good Idea?Even when a split is amicable, divorce is hardly ever easy and should not be entered into lightly. With so many divorce-related issues to…
Property Division
Pets In Divorce An Overview For Colorado…Separating two lives that have been legally intertwined can be a big undertaking, especially when it comes to dividing property, making child custody decisions,…
Why is January Known as Divorce Month?You may have heard it said that January is the busiest month of the year for family law attorneys. Nicknamed “divorce month” in legal…
Property Division
How Does Divorce Affect a Business?Two of the most common binding contracts between people include marriage and business partnerships. If you are considering divorcing someone with whom you own…
Can I Get an Annulment in Colorado?Annulment is a legal concept that makes a determination about marital status. Unlike divorce, which dissolves a legally valid marriage, an annulment in Colorado…
Safeguarding Finances In A Gray DivorceYou may have heard about the trend of divorcing late in life. A “gray divorce”, as they are called, is becoming increasingly popular among…
6 Questions to Ask Before You Get…According to statistics, roughly half of marriages end in divorce. If you’re married, this statistic has probably crossed your mind. If you’re considering a…
No-Fault Divorce
Why the Ashley Madison Leak Won't Affect…Beginning in 2000, our culture experienced phenomenal waves of technological innovation. The Internet has transformed the way we shop, exercise, look for doctors, keep…
Property Division
Avoiding Bankruptcy After DivorceAccording to research, one in ten bankruptcy petitions involve bankruptcy. Divorce is a financial challenge, but it doesn’t have to lead to bankruptcy. With…
No-Fault Divorce
How to Cope with DivorceFor most people, the emotional aftermath of a divorce is foreign territory. Even amicable divorces lead to sadness, loneliness, and guilt. Terminating your marriage…
Serving Divorce Papers Via Facebook?One Court in New York recently allowed serving divorce papers to your spouse through Facebook. It’s a huge leap forward in the arena of…
The Power of Art and Reading in…Many courts either order or suggest therapy for parents and children involved in family law litigation. Particularly with regard to child therapy, I am…