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Family Law

How Our “Paperless Office” Benefits Your Family Law Case

Happy Earth Day! At Modern Family Law, we are not only leaders in the legal community, but strong advocates of eco-friendly practices and efforts throughout Colorado and California. In fact, our firm was the first in the region to use iPads exclusively for evidence during a trial. Today, we spearhead the efforts to expand this technology in our industry.  As a paperless office, we try hard to be good citizens of the planet.

Paper Use in Legal Firms

An average lawyer uses 100,000 sheets of paper every year, the equivalent of 18 Lodgepole Pines. Our office uses only 11,000 sheets of paper (paper materials are occasionally required for casework), making our offices virtually paperless.

Saving You Money in Your Divorce

Most family law clients pay over $1,000 in paper costs. Ours spend less than $100.

In the duration of a family law case, most people spend more than $1,000 on the cost of paper alone. Over the lifetime of a case at Modern Family Law, our clients spend no more than $100 on average.

By conserving paper, we not only help our clients but the environment as well. If you are looking for a family law attorney with the skill and compassion to make a difference in your case, contact Modern Family Law today.

Posted April 22, 2015
by: MFL Team

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