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Summer Food Service Program for Colorado Children

In Colorado, summer is a magical time of year for kids. School is out. The weather warms up. Swimming pools open. The sun sets somewhere around 9 pm. It’s a magnificent time of year.

It isn’t as magical for all children. Some kids rely on school breakfasts and lunches to get through the day. When school is out for summer break, these children may not know where their next meal is coming from.

Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program is doing something about it. Over 450 locations across the state of Colorado will provide meals to children between the ages of 1 and 18 at no cost.

Supported by the Colorado Department of Education, the Colorado No Kid Hungry Campaign, Hunger Free Colorado, the USDA, as well as those providing the meals, this program aims to fill the nutritional gap during the summer months for children eligible for free or reduced-priced lunch.

The meals provided are nutritious and free. Locations, where they are being served, include schools, churches, recreation centers, and other community-based locations safe for children. Additionally, there are no income or registration requirements. Want more information?

Hunger Free Colorado
(855) 855-4626
Text “FOOD” to (720) 432-3285

Posted January 17, 2015
by: MFL Team

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