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Property Division
Pets In Divorce An Overview For Colorado…Separating two lives that have been legally intertwined can be a big undertaking, especially when it comes to dividing property, making child custody decisions,…
How To Talk To Your Child About…Children at different developmental and maturity levels will have a different understanding of divorce and how it will change their family life. When talking…
5 Tips For Winning Your Child Custody…Getting divorced is never easy, especially when children are involved. If you are in the process of fighting for child custody, it’s important to…
Why is January Known as Divorce Month?You may have heard it said that January is the busiest month of the year for family law attorneys. Nicknamed “divorce month” in legal…
Property Division
How Does Divorce Affect a Business?Two of the most common binding contracts between people include marriage and business partnerships. If you are considering divorcing someone with whom you own…
Can I Get an Annulment in Colorado?Annulment is a legal concept that makes a determination about marital status. Unlike divorce, which dissolves a legally valid marriage, an annulment in Colorado…
Family Law
What is Common Law Marriage?Common law marriage is an informal type of marriage involving couples who hold themselves out to be married, but who do not have a…
Safeguarding Finances In A Gray DivorceYou may have heard about the trend of divorcing late in life. A “gray divorce”, as they are called, is becoming increasingly popular among…
Father’s Rights
How Do I Modify a Parenting PlanWhen making decisions about the custody of a minor child, Colorado family courts will always put the best interest of the child first—whether that…
Enforcing A Child Support Order in ColoradoWhen a parent falls on hard economic times, they may find it challenging to uphold their child support obligations each month; however, what they…
6 Questions to Ask Before You Get…According to statistics, roughly half of marriages end in divorce. If you’re married, this statistic has probably crossed your mind. If you’re considering a…
What is Retroactive Child Support?Parents have a duty to care for their children, even if they’re not actively raising them. The non-custodial parent typically pays child support to…
No-Fault Divorce
Why the Ashley Madison Leak Won't Affect…Beginning in 2000, our culture experienced phenomenal waves of technological innovation. The Internet has transformed the way we shop, exercise, look for doctors, keep…
Why I'd Prefer My Clients Settle Out…As a family law attorney, it’s my job to help people start over from some of the toughest times in their lives. It also…
Prenuptial Agreements
Getting married is a big decision. If you’re considering marriage, you may have heard the term “prenuptial agreement” (“prenup” for short). In short, a…
Property Division
According to research, one in ten bankruptcy petitions involve bankruptcy. Divorce is a financial challenge, but it doesn’t have to lead to bankruptcy. With…
No-Fault Divorce
How to Cope with DivorceFor most people, the emotional aftermath of a divorce is foreign territory. Even amicable divorces lead to sadness, loneliness, and guilt. Terminating your marriage…
Same Sex Marriage
My Predictions on the Supreme Court's Gay…Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark gay marriage case which should answer the question of…
Father’s Rights
The 50-50 Parenting Time Presumption: One Size…A proposed bill involving Colorado family law recently progressed to the House Committee at the State Capitol after unanimous approval by the State Senate.…