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Divorce Mediation or Bust

If you filed for divorce, family court mediation is, more than likely, coming your way. And that’s a good thing. Regardless of whether or not you’ve retained counsel, courts very often order mediation before you’re allowed to set the case for a final hearing. Most often, mediation is conducted by a trained mediator at a…

Family Law Blunders: Impacts of Social Media

In this day and age, technology is everywhere. Our appliances are being tied in with the internet, our jobs increasingly use technology, our phones are getting faster and smarter, and social media is king. With all this technology comes constant access. However, when it comes to family law, constant access to the internet might be … Continued

Mediated Resolution

Family law cases come in all varieties, and no two are the same. The issues involved can be so vastly different from one case to the next that each case requires special attention to the nuances of that individual case and the people involved. However, for all the intricacies and unique characteristics of each case, … Continued

Avoiding Conflict Through Frugality and Compromise

While family law cases have a tendency to get out of control sometimes, they most certainly don’t have to be. We certainly have seen our fair share of cases that seem to spiral out of control or continue to be a hotbed of calamity even long after the case is “finished.” However, we have also … Continued

Saving Money in Your Family Law Case

Just about everyone who comes into our firm has questions about the legal process--how long the process takes, how the process works, or what the outcome is likely to be. However, one of the questions that clients should be asking is, “What can I do to save costs?” At the end of the day, whether … Continued

Mediation Can Save You Money

Costs of a family law case can quickly add up, particularly if you are unwilling to work toward a resolution with the Opposing Side. One way to help keep your case affordable is to use mediation to its fullest potential. In Colorado, parties are required to participate in mediation for any contested issue in family…

Third Parties: Getting A Helping Hand

When it comes to legal matters, as you may be aware, things can get complicated. Sometimes, due to the issues involved in a case, it can be helpful to seek the assistance of a third party like Child and Family Investigators (“CFI”) or Parental Responsibility Evaluators (“PRE”). In domestic relations or family law matters, third…

Third Party: Post-Decree Coordinators

There’s a trend seen in family law cases. Sometimes after a case is over and determinations finalize, people seem unable to move on. Even though the case finished, the parties continue to struggle. They continue to conflict with one another and sometimes rehash the same old fights. This trend is all the more common when … Continued

Colorado Mediation Tips

Mediation is a procedure through which you and the opposing party will be required to attempt to negotiate a settlement.  This may include the involvement of an independent third party. As you may imagine, mediation is an integral part of any domestic relations case. Although you may recognize the importance of mediation, you may have … Continued

The Wonderful World of Alternative Dispute Resolution

When most people think of lawsuits, they think of courtrooms, judges, and fancy courthouses. To some extent, this may be accurate.  But this isn't always the case.   Alternatives to made for TV courtroom drama are available in willing parties.  These alternatives include alternative dispute resolution, or “ADR” for short. This article is aimed at … Continued

Divorce Attorney vs. Mediator

One of the first questions you may ask yourself during a divorce is “Do I need representation?”  This article helps break down the differences between hiring an attorney to represent you and hiring a mediator to mediate your case. What’s the Role of the Mediator? Unlike an attorney, a mediator does not solely represent you and…

Why I’d Prefer My Clients Settle Out of Court

As a family law attorney, it’s my job to help people start over from some of the toughest times in their lives. It also means that I do so use the legal system. I’m a big fan of our legal system, it’s not perfect, but it does a pretty good job of resolving disputes between two…

The Question You Should Ask Before Every Family Law Dispute

Family law disputes are some of the most emotionally charged legal cases out there. Not only are you dealing with your life savings, investments, and children’s futures, you are also fighting with someone who you at one point loved very much. All of the passion that comes with an intimate relationship can easily be converted…