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Useful “Stay at home” Resources for Children

CoVID-19 has had a powerful and immediate impact on us all. Businesses and schools are closing for indefinite periods. Like many companies, at Modern…


Decision Making & Divorce

Divorce cases are multifaceted, and they may become even more complex if the divorcing couple has children. Decision-making responsibility has to be divided up…


School Choice in a Divorce: Part 1

By its very nature, divorce can be hard. There are so many issues that can be implicated in a divorce–dividing property, spousal maintenance, child…


Your First Day in Divorce Court

One of the most common themes we see repeated with our clients is an overall fear or anxiety surrounding divorce, specifically with the court…


Proper Court Attire

Today is your court date and you have to get ready, but you’re unsure about how you ought to appear. Although proper court attire…

Father’s Rights

Signing Over Parental Rights of Children

The decision of a parent to permanently relinquish their parental rights to another person is never easily made. But for some individuals, they are…


The Benefits of a Divorce Settlement

Although a divorce settlement may not always be possible in your case, there are several benefits to consider before taking your case in front…


5 Common Mistakes Made at the Beginning…

The following are some of the most serious mistakes couples make before pursuing a divorce, but by no means does this article cover all…

Grandparents Rights

Grandparents Rights in Colorado

Good times or bad, grandparents stand ready to lend a helping hand to their grandchildren. And when tragedy strikes, grandparents frequently assume the role…

Father’s Rights

Father’s Rights Attorneys

Some legal practitioners promote themselves as father’s rights attorneys, by providing services to men pursuing a divorce or need representation with child custody. But…

Early Assessment

How Family Courts Protect a Child's "Best…

Divorce results in a big change in the family dynamic. While every member of the family is certainly impacted by these changes, kids often…


How To Talk To Your Child About…

Children at different developmental and maturity levels will have a different understanding of divorce and how it will change their family life. When talking…


Why I'd Prefer My Clients Settle Out…

As a family law attorney, it’s my job to help people start over from some of the toughest times in their lives. It also…


Do I Really Need an Attorney for…

Full and fair disclosure: I am an attorney. Specifically, I am a family law attorney, which means I make my living by helping people…

Early Assessment

10 Signs Your Child Needs Summer Tutoring

We see signs of burnout in just about every child as summer break approaches. Parents are excited to get a break from the daily…


Summer Food Service Program for Colorado Children

In Colorado, summer is a magical time of year for kids. School is out. The weather warms up. Swimming pools open. The sun sets…


Divorcing an Absent or Uncooperative Spouse

In divorce proceedings, parties are sometimes not able to locate their spouse. They may have separated years ago and no longer know where the…

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