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Marital Home


3 Tips to Living Together During a…

Going through the process of a divorce can be difficult on all levels – emotionally, spiritually, and financially. With housing prices rising and the…

Property Division

Who Gets The House In A Divorce?

Often, the first issue we have to solve is where the parties are going to live. Do we continue to live together until the…

Property Division

Dividing Assets During Divorce

For many couples considering a divorce, their overarching concern is to safeguard their financial security. Part of this process involves dividing up assets and…

Property Division

Separate & Premarital Property

During a divorce, one of the issues that come up is the division of assets and debts. This blog discusses the topic of premarital…

Property Division

Dividing Assets in Divorce

Of the many issues that occur in a divorce, there is one issue that is largely universal: division of personal property, dividing assets. Divorce…


Can I Get an Annulment in Colorado?

Annulment is a legal concept that makes a determination about marital status. Unlike divorce, which dissolves a legally valid marriage, an annulment in Colorado…

Family Law

Can Men Be Victims of Domestic Abuse?

Like women, men can also be victims of domestic abuse. It isn’t as easy to identify, for a number of reasons, but it can…

No-Fault Divorce

Limited Options for Colorado Spouses Not Wanting…

Colorado is a no-fault state and couples can get divorced for any reason so long as one person feels the marriage is irretrievably broken.…

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