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property division

Spousal Maintenance (Alimony)

What Qualifies A Spouse For Alimony?

...Colorado, California, and Texas: Colorado Spousal Maintenance In Colorado, alimony is referred to as “spousal maintenance.” A spouse may qualify for maintenance if they…


Top 10 Factors Affecting The Cost Of…

...involve disputes over assets, alimony, child support, and custody. These disputes require more time and legal resources, increasing costs. 2. Assets & Debts The…

Non-Traditional Family Law

What Facebook Data Can Tell Us About…

...entire division devoted to crunching all that data they collect? If you’re interested in the kinds of things Facebook tracks and how they use…


What Is An Uncontested Divorce?

...agrees to the terms, both parties will draft and sign a settlement agreement covering all aspects of the divorce, such as asset division, debt…


Do I Need To Go To Court…

...all major issues related to the dissolution of their marriage, including asset distribution, debt division, custody of children, and spousal support. This consensus allows…


Understanding Parental Duties: Legal vs. Physical Custody

...everyday life. This form of custody can manifest in various arrangements, each tailored to suit the child’s needs and the family’s circumstances. Traditional schedules…


Is Texas A 50/50 Child Custody State? on creating custody arrangements that serve the child’s best interests. While joint custody is common, it may not necessarily entail a precisely equal…


Filing First: Understanding Gender Dynamics in Divorce…

...Women Often Face An Unfair Division Of Labor   The imbalanced distribution of household and caregiving responsibilities has a profound impact on marital dynamics…

Family Law

What Happens if One Parent gets Infected…

...separation with them. If they’re old enough to understand the circumstances, keeping a division is more likely. If the child(ren) is young and requires…


5 Things To Know About Paternity In…

...Parents who aren’t married can acquire a court order declaring the child’s legal father through the Office of the Attorney General’s Child Support Division…


Finding Joy Again: Coping With Holiday Anxiety…

...Effective communication with your ex-partner is paramount in this context. Open and respectful discussions about holiday plans, including the division of key dates, handling…


Keep an Indisputable Record of Maintenance and… liens may result from not paying child support. Similarly, in Texas, an individual who is ordered to pay child support and fails to…


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Divorce

...of the people who make these claims, do so as a tool to acquire money, property, or child custody. But even if the accusations…

Protection Orders

What You Need to Know About Protection…, engaging in threatening or injurious behavior, or possibly prohibit a person from the property, just to name a few. I Have a Protection…


School Choice in a Divorce: Part 1

By its very nature, divorce can be hard. There are so many issues that can be implicated in a divorce–dividing property, spousal maintenance, child…


The Wonderful World of Alternative Dispute Resolution

...Whether the issue is a contract claim, property dispute, complex business matter, or any number of other cases, ADR may provide an efficient and…


Avoiding Conflict Through Frugality and Compromise

...other party. So instead of reaching a reasonable agreement about how to divide personal property, people may argue that it’s “a matter of principle”.…

Family Law

Religion and Family Law: Thou Shalt Not… is allocated, debts are divided, and parental responsibilities may be determined. The only difference is that the couple remains married at the end…

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