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Fees and Costs


Do I Really Need an Attorney for…

Full and fair disclosure: I am an attorney. Specifically, I am a family law attorney, which means I make my living by helping people…


How Our "Paperless Office" Benefits Your Family…

Happy Earth Day! At Modern Family Law, we are not only leaders in the legal community, but strong advocates of eco-friendly practices and efforts…


Popular Divorce Myths

The term “divorce” evokes a variety of stereotypes and assumptions. Every divorce is unique, and these presuppositions can cause unnecessary confusion. If you’re considering…


The Question You Should Ask Before Every…

Family law disputes are some of the most emotionally charged legal cases out there. Not only are you dealing with your life savings, investments,…


Stars Looking for a Fresh Start After…

Seems like the new year is a time for many couples to evaluate their options and see about getting a fresh start. It’s been…


Thinking About Divorce?

According to an analysis of over 10,000 Facebook status updates, a peak break-up time each year is the two weeks leading up to Christmas.…


Requesting Attorney’s Fees and Costs in Domestic…

In most domestic relations cases, either one or both parties request their attorney’s fees and costs are paid by the other party, and in…

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