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Is California A 50/50 Child Custody State?

Child custody is a significant aspect of family law, and different states in the United States have varying approaches to determining custody arrangements. In…


Smooth Transitions: Navigating Custody Exchanges

Divorce or separation can bring about significant changes, especially when it involves children. Custody exchanges, where children transition between the care of co-parents, can…

Early Assessment

CFI vs PRE: Which Child Custody Expert…

If you find yourself in the middle of a hotly contested child custody matter, you may be wondering if a custody expert is right…


Successful Co-Parenting During the School Year

Co-parenting, the collaborative effort of two parents raising a child together despite living separately, is a crucial aspect of a child’s well-being. During the…


7 Tips For Surviving Back to School…

Back-to-school season is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and bettering yourself. It’s also one of the most stressful times of the year…


Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex: Strategies for…

Co-parenting with a toxic ex-spouse can feel like an uphill battle, testing your emotional strength and resilience. It is an incredibly challenging experience that…

Father’s Rights

10 Tips for Successful Co-Parenting

Family law is a strange animal. Unlike most other types of cases, family law cases often don’t end with the court’s “final” or “permanent…


Successful Co-Parenting: Strategies For A Post-Divorce Partnership

Co-parenting after divorce can be a challenging and emotional journey, but it is essential for the well-being and happiness of your children. Building a…


Fighting For Fido: Understanding Pet Custody in…

In California, family courts consider pets as personal property, rather than as children or family members, which means they are treated similarly to other…


Factors Considered In California Move-Away Cases

Move-away cases in California present unique challenges for parents and courts alike, as they involve a proposed relocation of a child by one parent.…


Understanding California Custody Evaluations

Child custody evaluations play a vital role in determining the best interests of children in California. These evaluations, also known as 730 or 3111…


Supervised vs. Unsupervised Visitation In California

Child visitation is a crucial aspect of co-parenting arrangements in California, aimed at maintaining a healthy parent-child relationship. In certain cases, the court may…


Establishing Parentage (Paternity) in California

Establishing parentage (paternity) is an important legal process in California that determines the biological father of a child born to unmarried parents. This process…


In The Best Interests Of The Child

Navigating the complex world of family law can be daunting, especially when understanding the critical concept of the “best interests of the child.” This…


Parenting Plan Considerations: Traveling With Your New…

Blended families, formed by the union of two individuals with children from previous relationships, are increasingly common in today’s society. Traveling with a new…


Is Your Parenting Plan Ready For Summer?

When summer arrives, it’s time for families to relax, have fun, and create lasting memories. However, for separated or divorced parents, coordinating a summer…


How is a Parenting Plan Enforced in…

Enforcing parenting plans in Colorado can be a complex and emotionally charged process. A parenting plan is a court order that outlines the rights…


Parental Kidnapping: What Every Parent Should Know

Contrary to the popular belief that strangers usually take missing children, most of them are actually victims of parental kidnapping. This occurs when one…

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