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Parenting Exchanges

For separated couples with children, occasional interactions with one another are often a reality of daily life. Because these couples typically will have some…

Property Division

Dividing Assets During Divorce

For many couples considering a divorce, their overarching concern is to safeguard their financial security. Part of this process involves dividing up assets and…

Early Assessment

Parenting Time in Colorado

In an Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (“APR” for short) case or divorce with children, one of the biggest client concerns is spending time with…

Common Law

The Unforeseen Impacts of Technology on Marriages

Take a look around you. Think about your friends, family, and the people that surround you. Now take a moment to answer this question…


Informal vs Court Initiated Child Support Payment…

Child support payments can be modified to assist those who are experiencing financial difficulties. A problem arises though when a court-ordered child support payment…

Protection Orders

What You Need to Know About Protection…

Protection orders are one of those unfortunate, but all too frequent things that come up in domestic relations law. While this article is in…


Your First Day in Divorce Court

One of the most common themes we see repeated with our clients is an overall fear or anxiety surrounding divorce, specifically with the court…


Proper Court Attire

Today is your court date and you have to get ready, but you’re unsure about how you ought to appear. Although proper court attire…


Online Divorces

Online divorces or DIY divorces are becoming more commonplace for couples seeking a low-cost way to separate. Companies like and offer what…

Father’s Rights

Signing Over Parental Rights of Children

The decision of a parent to permanently relinquish their parental rights to another person is never easily made. But for some individuals, they are…


The Benefits of a Divorce Settlement

Although a divorce settlement may not always be possible in your case, there are several benefits to consider before taking your case in front…

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