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*Use of our calculators does not constitute legal advice. We do not guarantee that the results will be the same as other programs, nor accept any liability from your use of a calculator. Modern Family Law has done extensive testing to ensure accuracy, however, we make no representations that the results will be the same in court.

Attorney Fees Calculators

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Attorney Fees Selected
Child Support
Assets & Debts
Parenting Time

Modern Family Law Attorney Fees

We have a few ways to help minimize the cost of our legal fees. It’s important to remember, we never know the outcome of a family law case. Each situation is different and requires different needs. Due to this, we are unable to predict the final cost of a case. Some matters can be a couple of thousand, while others can be tens of thousands. 


Generally, the largest factor in the cost of a family legal matter comes from the amount of conflict that exists. If fights are happening about who keeps the big house plant, it is safe to say your attorney fees will be higher. Use our online calculator to get a better estimate of an attorney’s fees when there is conflict involved.  


Attorneys, regardless of the firm, should never be quoting a final price to anyone. We want to set realistic expectations for clients and no attorney can do that by quoting a case before work is actually done. As a top-rated law firm, we have ways to help minimize the cost of a family lawyer when it comes to divorces, custody, support, and other family-related legal needs. 

Schedule Your
FREE Consultation

SimpleStart™ Program

As always, we lead the industry in innovation. Our SimpleStart™ program is no different and offers relief from the typically high upfront legal fees an individual has to come up with before their case can begin. Anyone can apply with a simple credit check to reduce their initial deposit with Modern Family Law. Typically, our attorney’s deposits (or retainers) will range from $2500 to $5000. 

Two-Payment Deposit

If the SimpleStart™ program doesn’t work for you, we also allow individuals to fulfill their initial deposit needs in two payments. The purpose of this option is for those that may be straddling a paycheck and don’t have the full amount upfront. This is not a payment plan and we will not extend payment options or amounts.

Third-Party Payors

Lastly, we allow others (family, friends) to apply for our SimpleStart™ program or use their credit cards to help fund a family matter. While the person paying gets no insight into the case itself or access to the legal team, they will get the itemized statements twice a month.

Modern Family Law Attorney Fees

We have a few ways to help minimize the cost of our legal fees. It’s important to remember, we never know the outcome of a family law case. Each situation is different and requires different needs. Due to this, we are unable to predict the final cost of a case. Some matters can be a couple of thousand, while others can be tens of thousands. 


Generally, the largest factor in the cost of a family legal matter comes from the amount of conflict that exists. If fights are happening about who keeps the big house plant, it is safe to say your attorney fees will be higher. Use our online calculator to get a better estimate of an attorney’s fees when there is conflict involved.  


Attorneys, regardless of the firm, should never be quoting a final price to anyone. We want to set realistic expectations for clients and no attorney can do that by quoting a case before work is actually done. As a top-rated law firm, we have ways to help minimize the cost of a family lawyer when it comes to divorces, custody, support, and other family-related legal needs. 

SimpleStart™ Program

As always, we lead the industry in innovation. Our SimpleStart™ program is no different and offers relief from the typically high upfront legal fees an individual has to come up with before their case can begin. Anyone can apply with a simple credit check to reduce their initial deposit with Modern Family Law. Typically, our attorney’s deposits (or retainers) will range from $2500 to $5000. 

Two-Payment Deposit

If the SimpleStart™ program doesn’t work for you, we also allow individuals to fulfill their initial deposit needs in two payments. The purpose of this option is for those that may be straddling a paycheck and don’t have the full amount upfront. This is not a payment plan and we will not extend payment options or amounts.

Third-Party Payors

Lastly, we allow others (family, friends) to apply for our SimpleStart™ program or use their credit cards to help fund a family matter. While the person paying gets no insight into the case itself or access to the legal team, they will get the itemized statements twice a month.

Modern Family Law Compassionate Innovative Respected

Our Attorneys Are
Ready To Listen

Our experienced family law attorneys have the knowledge, resources, and dedication to prepare your case and protect your interests to find the best possible outcome.

Additional Resources About
Attorney Fees

Avoid Over Paying Attorney Fees

Avoid Overpaying Attorney Fees

It’s important to understand how, when, and why an attorney charges you. This is especially true if you don’t want to overpay.

My Case: What Will it Cost

My Case: What Will it Cost

Cost is a major consideration for many clients. Understanding how certain factors will influence the cost of your case is critical.

Understanding Divorce Law Firm Fees

Understanding Divorce Fees

There are many ways attorneys structure their law firm fees and what types of services they generally cover. A flat fee isn’t always the best way to go.

Additional Resources About
Attorney Fees

Avoid Over Paying Attorney Fees

Avoid Overpaying Attorney Fees

It’s important to understand how, when, and why an attorney charges you. This is especially true if you don’t want to overpay.

My Case: What Will it Cost

My Case: What Will it Cost

Cost is a major consideration for many clients. Understanding how certain factors will influence the cost of your case is critical.

Understanding Divorce Law Firm Fees

Understanding Divorce Law Firm Fees

There are many ways attorneys structure their law firm fees and what types of services they generally cover. A flat fee isn’t always the best way to go.