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What To Expect When Filing A Motion To Enforce In Colorado

In Colorado, a motion to enforce is a legal tool that can be used to ensure that an existing court order or agreement is followed. When one party fails to comply with the terms of a court order or agreement, the other party may file a motion to enforce to seek enforcement of the terms. … Continued

Enforcing Child Custody & Visitation Orders In California

Enforcing custody orders is a critical aspect of family law, particularly when it comes to the well-being and stability of children. In California, ensuring the proper implementation of custody orders is of utmost importance, but it can often be a complex and emotionally challenging process for parents. This article provides valuable insights and guidance to … Continued

Protection Order Terminology

Family law, like many areas of law, can be confusing and intimidating. Unless you’ve had training in legal concepts, some of the terminologies that get thrown around can sound like gibberish. Beyond that, sometimes it can be difficult to understand what the terms of a court order may mean. To that end, protection orders can … Continued

Family Law & Toxic Behavior

Family law cases can be draining both emotionally and financially. While there is always a certain level of difficulty expected with these cases, some cases take on a substantially worse character. For these cases, one party (or both) may begin exhibiting the following toxic behavior(s): irrationality; emotionally charged responses; unpredictability; unreasonableness; or any number of … Continued

Third Parties: Getting A Helping Hand

When it comes to legal matters, as you may be aware, things can get complicated. Sometimes, due to the issues involved in a case, it can be helpful to seek the assistance of a third party like Child and Family Investigators (“CFI”) or Parental Responsibility Evaluators (“PRE”). In domestic relations or family law matters, third…

Domestic Violence in Family Law

Anyone who’s ever been in a relationship has probably experienced a bad relationship. While bad relationships are common, there are certain types of “bad relationships” that are distinct from the rest. These unhealthy and dangerous relationships involve domestic violence (DV).  This article, although intended to educate, is a brief overview of what happens to be … Continued

Motions to Enforce in Colorado

When a court enters orders, most people frequently comply with what is required. However, there are also plenty of individuals who choose to disregard court orders. Depending on the circumstances, various forms of relief may be available. We have discussed contempt proceedings in one of our other posts so that we won’t be talking about … Continued