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Navigating Grief in Family Law Matters: A Path to Healing

Embarking on the journey of family law matters, such as divorce, can often feel like navigating through uncharted waters. This period in one’s life is fraught with emotions, uncertainties, and questions about the future. For many, it’s not just the legal implications that are daunting but the emotional toll it takes on every member involved. … Continued

Emotional Resilience in Divorce: Strategies for Coping with Stress

Divorce marks a profound emotional upheaval, often described as one of life's most stressful events. It unravels not just the fabric of a marriage but also the psychological well-being of those involved. Facing this daunting challenge requires more than just legal advice—it demands emotional resilience. This article focuses on navigating through the emotional labyrinth of … Continued

Jasmine Bhatt’s Egyptian Adventure: Culture, History, & More

In a rare and exhilarating experience courtesy of Modern Family Law's unique employee benefit, Austin Managing Attorney Jasmine Bhatt embarked on an unforgettable all-expense-paid journey to Egypt. Delving into this incredible experience, we bring you an interview between Modern Family Law's Head of Learning and Development, Ami Larson, and Jasmine Bhatt. This conversation uncovers the … Continued

Navigating Asset Division In Colorado Divorces

Navigating asset division in a Colorado divorce can be a complex process that significantly impacts both parties' financial futures. Understanding the nuances of how assets and debts are divided in this equitable distribution state is crucial for anyone going through a divorce. Key Principles Of Asset Division In Colorado Colorado follows the equitable division model, … Continued

Who Claims A Child On Taxes When There Is Shared Custody?

When parents separate or divorce, one of the most contentious issues is often the custody of their children. Apart from determining which parent will have physical custody of the child, a crucial question arises: who gets to claim the child as a dependent on their tax return? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has established tiebreaker … Continued

Want Full Custody of Your Children? Think Again!

Divorce is a complex and emotional process, especially when children are involved. One of the most contentious issues during a divorce is child custody. Many parents believe they can obtain "full custody" of their children simply because they perceive the other parent as "bad" or unfit. However, the reality is that courts rarely grant full … Continued

Common Divorce Forms In Colorado

Navigating the complexities of divorce in Colorado can be a daunting process, requiring not only emotional resilience but also an understanding of legal procedures. This article aims to simplify the initial stages of filing for divorce by detailing the common forms involved in the process. From initiating the petition to drafting a comprehensive parenting plan, … Continued

Common Divorce Forms In California

Navigating the complexities of divorce in California can be a challenging journey, necessitating not only emotional strength but also a grasp of the legal intricacies involved. This article aims to demystify the early stages of filing for divorce by outlining the common forms required for the process. From the initiation of the petition to the … Continued

Common Divorce Forms In Texas

Navigating the complexities of divorce in Texas can be an overwhelming process, demanding not just emotional strength but also a grasp of the legal proceedings involved. This article seeks to simplify the early stages of filing for divorce by outlining the common forms necessary for the process. From initiating the petition to creating a detailed … Continued

FL-100: Completing The Petition For Divorce In California

The FL-100 form is the foundational document that initiates the divorce process in California. All family law forms in the state have the prefix "FL," which stands for "family law." Although the form has undergone changes in the past, its primary function remains to set the divorce process in motion. What Are The Requirements For … Continued

JDF 1101 – Completing The Petition For Divorce Or Legal Separation

During the Colorado divorce process, the JDF 1101 - Petition For Divorce Or Legal Separation is one of the first forms to be completed. All Colorado individuals seeking a divorce, legal separation, or marriage nullification must complete the JDF 1101 petition for divorce or legal separation. This article provides insight into this form as well … Continued

Original Petition For Divorce In Texas

Initiating a divorce case in Texas requires filing an "original petition for divorce." This article seeks to simplify and explain the intricacies of the original petition and answer some commonly raised questions. Understanding The Original Petition For Divorce In Texas When someone mentions they have "filed for divorce," they are referring to this initial document … Continued

Celebrating Women Leaders In Family Law

In the spirit of Women's History Month, Modern Family Law takes immense pride in shining a spotlight on the formidable women within our ranks who have shaped and continue to transform the field of family law through their tenacity, expertise, and innovation. As we celebrate their achievements, we also recognize the unique challenges they have … Continued

How Much Does It Cost To Modify A Divorce Decree?

Navigating the aftermath of a divorce can be a challenging journey, especially when circumstances change, necessitating modifications to the original divorce decree. Whether it's adjusting child support, alimony, custody arrangements, or property distribution, understanding the potential costs involved in modifying a divorce decree is crucial for those looking to make informed decisions. This article aims … Continued

What Is A Post-Decree Modification?

Navigating the maze of divorce can be overwhelming. Even after the final decree has been issued, challenges can arise, leading to further legal proceedings. These subsequent actions are known as post-decree modifications. Understanding Post-Decree Motions Once a divorce is finalized, any further disputes or necessary changes related to the divorce decree are addressed through post-decree … Continued

How Long Does A Divorce Take?

The path to divorce is as unique as the individuals involved, with no universal timeline to mark its course. Unlike many legal processes, the duration of a divorce is not predetermined but varies widely based on a multitude of factors. From the complexities of asset division and child custody disputes to the specific legal requirements … Continued

Top 10 Factors Affecting The Cost Of Divorce

When faced with the prospect of a divorce, one of the first questions many people ask is, "How much will this cost me?" The answer, more often than not, is, "It depends." The financial toll of a divorce is as complex and varied as the emotional one, with costs fluctuating significantly based on a multitude … Continued

Is Collaborative Divorce Right For You?

Divorce is a significant life event that brings about emotional, financial, and legal changes. For many, the traditional route of litigation can seem daunting, filled with adversarial court battles that can exacerbate the stress and strain of an already difficult situation. However, there's an alternative that prioritizes amicability and cooperation: collaborative divorce. This approach has … Continued