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Stuck with My Spouse during Coronavirus

If one stops to think a bit about it, relationships of all sorts are going through new stresses given the Coronavirus outbreak. Even the relationships that are doing well and thriving in such a time have experienced changes that aren’t necessarily helpful. It’s not what life throws our way, but rather how we respond that…

Mediated Resolution

Family law cases come in all varieties, and no two are the same. The issues involved can be so vastly different from one case to the next that each case requires special attention to the nuances of that individual case and the people involved. However, for all the intricacies and unique characteristics of each case, … Continued

Submit to Arbitration

Legal matters, generally, arise from some sort of conflict between two or more individuals. As a result of this conflict, some sort of legal action may be initiated. For many legal actions, the expectation is that the case will eventually proceed to some sort of judicial proceeding. However, there is another possible outcome for these … Continued

Dealing with Contempt in Divorce Cases

If you’ve dealt with the civil side of legal proceedings, you may be aware that court orders can get issued pretty frequently. However, you might not know too much about what can happen to someone if they choose not to do what is required of them in a court order. This brings us to today’s…

Handling Contempt Proceedings

Family law matters are not finished just because the judge issues a final order, many times.  Many final orders court often require that certain actions are taken. However, just because a court orders something, doesn’t necessarily mean that people always comply.  You can take steps to make a party comply with a court's orders.  This … Continued

Colorado Mediation Tips

Mediation is a procedure through which you and the opposing party will be required to attempt to negotiate a settlement.  This may include the involvement of an independent third party. As you may imagine, mediation is an integral part of any domestic relations case. Although you may recognize the importance of mediation, you may have … Continued

The Wonderful World of Alternative Dispute Resolution

When most people think of lawsuits, they think of courtrooms, judges, and fancy courthouses. To some extent, this may be accurate.  But this isn't always the case.   Alternatives to made for TV courtroom drama are available in willing parties.  These alternatives include alternative dispute resolution, or “ADR” for short. This article is aimed at … Continued

Parenting Exchanges

For separated couples with children, occasional interactions with one another are often a reality of daily life. Because these couples typically will have some form of alternating parenting time, chances are they will sometimes encounter one another when switching between each other’s parenting time. Exchanges can help provide stability and certainty by clarifying the nature … Continued

The Benefits of a Divorce Settlement

Although a divorce settlement may not always be possible in your case, there are several benefits to consider before taking your case in front of a Judge. Peace of Mind Perhaps the most important advantage to settlement is a peace of mind.  If you are able to settle your divorce without litigation, you will know…

Divorce Attorney vs. Mediator

One of the first questions you may ask yourself during a divorce is “Do I need representation?”  This article helps break down the differences between hiring an attorney to represent you and hiring a mediator to mediate your case. What’s the Role of the Mediator? Unlike an attorney, a mediator does not solely represent you and…

Pets In Divorce An Overview For Colorado Pet Owners

Separating two lives that have been legally intertwined can be a big undertaking, especially when it comes to dividing property, making child custody decisions, determining support obligations, and more. But what happens to pets? What does the law say about how pets are treated in divorce? While child custody is well established by the court … Continued

Why I’d Prefer My Clients Settle Out of Court

As a family law attorney, it’s my job to help people start over from some of the toughest times in their lives. It also means that I do so use the legal system. I’m a big fan of our legal system, it’s not perfect, but it does a pretty good job of resolving disputes between two…

Common Reasons Couples Turn to Divorce

When a marriage is troubled, the last thing people want to do is worry about divorce. Just the thought of splitting up a marriage may be too much for some to handle, however, it is important to take a break and evaluate whether or not you want to continue down a troubled road, or move … Continued

Limited Options for Colorado Spouses Not Wanting Divorce

Colorado is a no-fault state and couples can get divorced for any reason so long as one person feels the marriage is irretrievably broken. There is no requirement that one person cheats on the other or that domestic violence is involved. If your spouse has filed for divorce and you do not want to get … Continued